Thursday, June 4, 2009

Happy Birthday to . . .

This is a work of art called Happy Birthday to Ed. It's a sealed off room with industrial fans that blow bits of paper from the Wall Street Journal stock pages (the size of U.S. currency) around the room. It blows 1971 pieces of paper. You can view the bits flying around in the top 3 1/2 feet and through the window in an adjacent courtyard. There is also a peephole to see into the room. This "piece" is part of a five piece collection for the 'Happy Birthday' exhibition at Winkelman Gallery.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Settling In

Flavorful Delivery is a Texas-based gift basket company. The gift basket pictured is the "Settling In" basket, appropriate for any house warming. It has macadamia nut cookies, Columbian coffee, Earl Grey tea, almond roca, Ghirardelli chocolate, key lime white chocolate cookies, Holland cookies, yogurt pretzels, cheese spread, and pesto & parmesan cheese wafers, all in a "unique House Gift Box." Do real estate agents send this kind of stuff to their clients after closing? Only $44.99.