Thursday, January 31, 2008

Happy Birthday, Abby!

Besides lots of pictures of people named Abby celebrating their birthday, I found a picture of this pretty cake. It was made by Cakes by Darcy out of Georgia. I always wonder if cakes like this taste as good as they look.

Have you ever seen Ace of Cakes on Food Network? They're amazingly detailed in their work. Here are a few examples of their work from the Charm City Cakes website.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Water Water Everywhere

The cartoon above was part of this NY Times article published in August 2007 about the overuse of water bottles. The argument put out there centers not so much on the actual water, but on the amount of oil it takes to produce the plastic bottles, transport them, and refrigerate them.
While I do occasionally buy bottled water simply because it's convenient, I've gotten into the habit of refilling gallons jugs at the grocery store (the tap water here does not taste good). I reuse the gallon jugs (good for the environment) and it's only 39 cents/gallon for refills (good for the pocket book).

Thursday, January 10, 2008


The first picture for "routine" on Google images was this painting of a sink (titled Nightly Routine) with a toothbrush and toothpaste. Upon further investigation, I discovered it came from Fine Art for Dentists . This company offers art work specifically for dentist offices. I think I'll go brush my teeth now.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Barbie Surgery

I'm sure you all know that Barbie does not have a realistic human body. This picture shows the average woman at 5'4" and 145 pounds, while Barbie would be 6' and 101 pounds. The picture came from the blog Beauty from the Heart , which states that "Beauty. It's not about physical characteristics or the approval of others. It's about loving the God who created us for His glory and enjoying the unique design He has given each of us." Some interesting reading there!